Area Rugs

Nortex's Area Rug program


Nortex's Area Rug program is as extensive as our broadloom selection. All broadloom designs can be scaled and transformed into Area Rugs. Purchasing an Area Rug is a very simple process:

1. Select your style and colors from any one of our patterns | See Design Studio
2. Determine the size (Width x Length).
3. Choose your binding or serging type. | View Options
4. Determind the number of units needed.

Contact your account representative to place your order.

Add an Area Rug Package to your LVP Purchase

Luxury Vinyl Plank floors make an excellent addition to any hotel, but they may not always pull the room together as you had envisioned, adding an area rug can add the finishing touch that creates a noticeable theme across your property.

Pick the Right Size for the Room

Choosing the right rug size will help create the impression of having a bigger room. Large rooms should be matched with large rugs. Traditionally, area rugs in guest rooms should be placed directly under the sleeping area allowing 2 to 4 feet of exposed LVP. 

Increase Comfort

LVP floors are not the most comfortable, area rugs and LVP flooring combinations will improve comfort in guest rooms. 

Noise Reduction

An area rug will significantly decrease the noise in your space. ... That is because the hard surface floor does not absorb sound in the same way that carpet does. Lay down an area rug, and listen to the difference. 

Always Use a Non-Slip Rug Pad

Just because they are not visible doesn’t mean that rug pads are not important! Non-slip rug pads are usually made of synthetic materials and are placed between the floor and your rug. They have two main functions: protecting your floors against friction damage and preventing your carpet from moving around and causing accidents.

Area Rug Requirments
Minimum Qty: 250 Yard Min
Average Production: 3 to 4 weeks
Division: Area Rug

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Nortex Industries

1870 The Exchange Suite 200
Atlanta GA 30339
United States


122 Treadwell Rd . Chatsworth . Georgia 30705

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Our mission is to deliver quality products at reasonable prices. For us customer satisfaction is given top place. We are very friendly in our dealings to the customers and it helps us retain existing clients and expand customer circle. We always try to improve the quality of our products by exploring innovative ideas and our service.

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